Easy appliqued onesie project
The little bunny onesie I made over the weekend with its matching pants
I haven't had to buy any baby clothes for little N, thanks to lots of hand-me-downs. This is good in many ways... it saves money, resources, and time... it's "green"... but I'll be honest: It's been difficult NOT to want to buy a few sweet little outfits for her. Still, I've remained strong and am planning on treating myself to just a bit of shopping once she's here and I start to get a feel for her personality.
Like every expecting mother, I received an over-abundance of blankets at my showers, and so decided to return a few. In a moment of weakness, I opted for store credit rather than a refund at one of the shops, and ended up using part of it on a dear little pair of peach colored pants. My justification was that since there was no top to go with them, I would have to get around to that appliqued onesie project I'd been meaning to do for months.
So here is a photo diary of what turned out to be a really quick and fun project. I'm planning on making up a few more in the coming week; I have so many ideas for cute designs!
First I came up with my design, a little bunny, and sketched it on regular paper.
Then I cut out the bunny and cut small squares of my fabric and the webbing product to match the size of the bunny. I ironed the fabric and webbing together, following the instructions for the webbing.
I traced the bunny onto the paper side of my fabric square, then cut it out.
I used a second-hand Gerber brand white onesie, size 0-3 months. Gerber runs small, so it was pretty tiny. Pre-washed of course. I peeled the paper off my design, positioned the bunny where I wanted it and then covered it with a damp "press cloth." Pressed with a hot iron for about 15 seconds and the bunny seemed well-adhered to the onesie.
The webbing manufacturer says you could stop there, that the design will be secure using only their product. I don't know, that may very well be true. I wanted to add a little texture, though, so I decided to add a simple blanket stitch to the edge with embroidery thread. The hardest part of that was deciding what color thread to use! I went with the "safe" choice, a peach very close to the color of the pants.
Then I just used a bit of natural colored "chunky" size yarn to make a fluffy little tail. I sewed it in place and that's it! I don't think it took quite two hours to complete, and that was with lots of stopping to take photos, so it's really a quick project, especially if you skip the embroidery.
Hope this inspires you to take on one of the creative projects you may have been putting off. Pull out the fabric stash! Make a little mess! See what you come up with...
The March Hare. On madness and letting go.
“‘But I don’t want to go among mad people,’ Alice remarked.
’Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the Cat: ‘we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.’
’How do you know I’m mad?’ said Alice.
’You must be,’ said the Cat, ‘or you wouldn’t have come here.’”
Mad as a march hare.... it's an old idiom that inspired the zany character made famous by Lewis Carroll in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The spring mating season inspires erratic and excitable behavior in hares; even more impressive leaping and vertical jumping than usual, and sometimes fantastic "boxing matches" between competing males or unwilling females and their would-be suitors.
Last March I found myself in a completely unexpected situation, frantically preparing for my shop to be featured on Etsy's blog and homepage for four days. It was an unforeseen windfall for my needle felting business; one for which I was unprepared and felt a little sheepish about, but which really pushed me to grow the shop and my creative vision. I survived the feature - only a touch madder than I had been before - and better for the experience.
This March I am a few weeks, perhaps only days away from meeting my (first) daughter. And yes, I think there is an element of madness to this stage of pregnancy. Not necessarily in the stereotypical way of hysterics or insomnia or uncontrollable "nesting" behaviors. What's mad is that not just my body, but my entire consciousness, has been invaded by a person I have not yet met. And that I love her beyond reason.... but all I really know about her is that she has very powerful legs, loves all kinds of fruit, and hates yoga, walking, and hot showers.
Becoming a mother is easily the maddest experience I've ever had. I am the self I've known for years but I'm also someone that I don't know well yet at all, someone who surprises me by being calm when I would usually be anxious, quiet when I would be upset, fierce when I would melt into tears.
The best way I can describe it is surrender without surrender.... letting go of what I know and feel sure of in expectation of catching hold of something better. A new relationship, a new role, a new person to love and care for, a new way of viewing the world and my place in it. And I say "better" not because I believe having children is a superior decision or situation to not choosing or being able to have children, nor because I believe that my parenting experience is going to be strictly beneficial and enjoyable for me or my daughter (if only!), but because my decision to surrender the self and life I know to something new, unknown, and potentially difficult and painful, will (hopefully) make me a better person.
The March hare is mad because it's faced with life at its barest. It has survived the harshness of winter and comes out into the fairness of spring only to find that in order to go on, in order to move forward, it must surrender itself to another. And to a self it doesn't yet know, and to new beings it doesn't yet know. Perhaps it is a sense of this helplessness that makes them leap, kick their legs in the air, twist and spin. Perhaps that's what it's like for the baby in the womb. Kick and struggle though we might, wild-eyed and stubborn, we all have to keep moving forward on this trail that is both familiar and well-worn, but also strange and new.
“I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”