
After my needle felting frenzy at the end of last year, January 2018 brought significant change to the direction of my creativity. I gave up needle felting in order to bring that creative part of my life more into alignment with my vegan lifestyle, and began trying new mediums, such as paper clay and paper mache.

I also began writing the story of a pig named Daisy, a flying pig. That’s her in the photo above. I thought, when I started, that her story would be a picture book, but once I got going, there seemed to be a lot more there. So many fun characters emerged. Neurotic roosters. Clairvoyant nanny goats. I enjoyed writing this manuscript more than anything else I’ve ever done.

I’ve also been diving into the world of illustration. Getting lost in a detailed pen and ink drawing or watercolor for several hours is my idea of heaven.

After months of revision and editing, I’ve just begun the querying process. I’ve always found libraries and bookstores awe-inspiring. Now I’m even more awe-filled to think that each and every one of the tens of thousands of books that fill those shelves has gone through the daunting and absolutely (for me) excruciating process of not only writing or illustrating (or both) a book, but also, perfecting a query letter, finding an agent who will represent you, and then having the manuscript accepted by a publisher. (insert shock-faced emoji here)

As I’ve mentioned before, the best way to stay in touch with me and see what I’m working on is through Instagram. It’s my happy place.

