My Big, Fat Vegan Birthday Cake

Last night I made a cake for my birthday. And today I spent most of the day trying to track people down to share it with. Because it's a good cake. I have a giant vegan hummingbird cake sitting in my fridge. And I want to eat it all.

Now I know that you've all been waiting for me to share a vegan cake recipe with you because nothing says "fun" and "delicious" and "celebratory" quite like vegan cake. I'm being serious, people. As serious as a vegan at a hog roast. Or a zoo. Or a McDonald's. Or a shoe store. Or um, as serious as a vegan pretty much anywhere. 

I'm just kidding. Vegans have fun. And we eat tasty food. Really, we do. Really.

Okay, take another look at this thing. No dairy. No eggs. WAY less fat and sugar than in a regular hummingbird cake. And it's gluten-free to boot. Not because I don't eat gluten, but because I didn't have any regular flour, so I used oat flour instead.  No big deal.

So, if you want the recipe, head over to the Rabbit Food page. Don't everyone go at once, or you'll crash Squarespace. And give me a minute, because I haven't actually posted it yet. But I will. 

Here are a few pictures of actual, real people (non-vegan people) enjoying vegan birthday cake. And enjoying my vegan baby. 

And after all that sharing, I still have half of a big, fat, juicy vegan cake left. Happy birthday to me.


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