Sweet Haven is a registered non-profit located in Nebraska, USA with 501 (c)3 tax-exempt status, EIN 84-4847434
Copyright 2018-2024 Rosanna Dell. All rights reserved.
Here you’ll find past make-along videos (loose tutorials) - I’m a self-taught artist and I try to make my art in a frugal and accessible way and hope that encourages more people to get creative and discover their inner artist! You don’t have to be good at drawing - you don’t have to invest in a lot of fancy supplies - just take some of the things you have around the house and see what you can craft with a little glue and cotton or paper and time!
I offer these videos on YouTube in order that everyone can learn, not just those who are privileged enough to have money for classes - if you would like to support my work and art and our animal sanctuary, donations are very welcome over on the donation page, or using the PayPal button on the sidebar. Thank you friends, and happy making!